On 22nd of December just 3 days before Christmas a simple 5Km and 10km Balmoral swim was organized. Vlad, Viki and Charm with other volunteers focused on one thing that day – to run the first Vladswim open water event smoothly. The 10Km swim was organized for swimmers who needed to qualify for other oceans
On a cloudy and windy morning at 6am we jumped into the water for yet another morning swim session. Like every morning we enjoy sunrise, fresh air, salt water and great swim team atmosphere. However today was special. Everyone who came to the session also received a memorable experience. At around 7am from behind Mrs
WE NEED YOUR VOTES! To support us please send an SMS with the following code: 8412 to the Business Awards hotline: 0447 447 070 You can find details and our SMS code in the link, just search for Vladswim here: http://sydneybusinessawards.com.au/sba/search Voting are closes on 22nd July 2011. We hope to have your full support. Thank you
Last Saturday Vladswim swimmers didn’t spend time in bed or in a cafeteria with a newspaper, they did the opposite. They jumped into the ocean and swam between 2 to 4 hours in really, not friendly, weather of Sydney. The first group of Channel ‘cold’ swimmers started swimming at Balmoral beach from 7.30am Charm (coach)
Another great Saturday training session last Saturday 23rd July at 645am. I met with 3 of the early bird swimmers at Balmoral to discover that instead of improving overnight the conditions had worsened. Ever the optimistic Stuart, Iain and Tori greased up, explained their dietary needs and plunged into the dirty 14 degree waters of