We have officially registered the Vladswim Masters Club!

Thanks to our swimmers Angela, Chris and Talbot, we now have a Vladswim Masters Club. If any of you are contemplating or would like to compete at Masters events - in the pool with distances no longer than 800 or 1500m – this is your opportunity.

Unfortunately we couldn’t get the club set up in time for State Championships, but we will be aiming to compete in the National Masters Swim Championships. We will keep you informed about new Masters swim activities, events and rules via our newsletter. There is already a number of swimmers in our group who are planning to compete in the World Masters Swimming Championships in Auckland and also in Europe this year.

So, let’s start thinking about the Masters events. These are held around the world so it’s a great opportunity to travel and see many beautiful countries as you compete.


To register for the Vladswim Masters Club go to the official registration page.

  • click on "New members" on the right hand side
  • enter your personal details and select NSW > Vladswim Masters

What is Masters Swimming?

Masters Swimming are pool-based races for adults who are either 18+ (for Australian competitions) or 25+ (for International competitions). The main events at Masters events are held in the pool, including all four strokes and the following distances: 800m, 400m, 200m, 100m, 50m and 25m (if held as an SC event). Open water swim events are 3km and 5km swim.

There are currently no club nights for Vladswim Masters so the only commitment is attending the competitions themselves. Club competitions usually run for 5-6 hours in a single day, whereas State meets usually run for 5-6 hours over 2 days. There are many clubs within NSW and each time a competition is held, you compete for a club (Vladswim Masters) and earn points for this club. At the end of the year, there are point score trophies for various categories depending on the number of members.

Meets & Calendar

Vladswim will target the following 3 meets for this half of the year (in order of priority):

  1. NSW State Relay Champs 9 July 2017, SOPAC - this will be a great one for everyone to get together and swim as a team and club
  2. NSW State Champs SC, October 2017, Canberra

All events are listed here.


A strong team of five Vladswim swimmers competed in the pool and ocean at the World Masters Games in Auckland from 21-30 April 2017. Check the results in our blog: